Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Beauty Music Room

   Appreciating the beauty of music room. We have here some improvised musical instruments and different festival mask and inspired by East Asian Country, proudly say these were made by the Vincentians from different grade level. Kudos to our music teacher Sir Jobert Bescoro!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

What is Ramadan? By Hamela Adoma

April 2-May2, 2022 Muslims celebrated the Ramadan. Let's find out what Ramadan is and how it celebrated by the Muslims. This article was written by our Muslim students of grade 10 Hamela Adoma


Monday, March 28, 2022

Pancake Festival!!!


Our incoming event! "Pancake Fest" on April 2, 2022 Saturday. Spend one of your weekend here at Saint Vincent De Paul College. Students, Parents, Alumni and outsiders are welcome to join with us. We will also be having "Papawis" for a cause for grade 4-8, Pancake Flipping Race for the Parents, Informative Speech from grade 8 and Music Exhibit!

The Beauty Music Room

    Appreciating the beauty of music room. We have here some improvised musical instruments and different festival mask and inspired by East...