Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Student Supreme Government Officers 2021-2022

SY 2021-2022

Airha Mae Alhambra (President)

“I set an example as a student, I remain focused on our goals as SSG, and I responsibly work hand-in-hand with both the school and the student body."

Cassandra Santos (Vice President)
“I am someone who listens and takes actions, someone who cares about the students, who speaks for them."

Trisha Anne Ibasco (Secretary)

“I am a responsible and organized person that enjoys achieving great things in life and will never stop striving for excellence.”

Paolo Feliciano (Treasurer)

"I am Trustworthy, Responsible and I will do my best to serve the Teachers and Students of Saint Vincent De Paul College."

Maxinne Anne Lao (Auditor)
I'm full of ideas and creativity, and I’m also willing to help and guide students and listen to their suggestions.”

Fred Angelo Albolote (Escort)
“I am confident in my abilities to produce and while I prepare for the worst, I do the work necessary to tilt the odds that the best will happen.”

Jenina Corinne Cornelio (Muse)
"I am worthy and an officer that you can trust, taking those responsibilities wholeheartedly and bringing the best in it."

 Red Kyrsten Tornilla (High School Representative)

“I am a reliable representative who can help achieve a safe and equal environment for everyone.”

Angelica Cornelio (Grade School Representative) 

"I am one that you can believe, someone that can be responsible to everything that is assigned."



Friday, November 26, 2021

Papawis for a Cause invitation

SVDPC is inviting you to join our "Papawis for a Cause". A fund raising event for Saint Vincent de Paul College 25th Founding Anniversary. Please see poster for details.

The Beauty Music Room

    Appreciating the beauty of music room. We have here some improvised musical instruments and different festival mask and inspired by East...