Sunday, November 8, 2020



Message from the Director

Saint Vincent de Paul College


I am always happy and amazed to witness how students exhibit their God given talents and skills and how they show confidence in their learning journey. It has always been enjoyable moments to watch that make me realize even more that God has truly unlimited gifts to us, be it children or adult.

Last year 2019, I thought of having the school publication as a means for the students to express and share their gifts of talents and skills, thus, the ORACLE, the first ever school publication was born after so many years of SVDPC. And I am very pleased to learn that the SVDPC students are truly blessed with different charisms in expressing themselves in various artistic forms.

The ORACLE’s humble beginning started last year, school year 2019-2020, however, due to the Pandemic situation, it was shelved. The team did not lose hope but instead let their artistic imagination runs and thus it was made to move and with the untiring effort of its adviser, Ms. Mariela Sam Tupaz, the first issue was drafted. Likewise, she saw the excitement of the Oracle team of students.  Moreover, this year, Ms. Sam is joined by new team players of teachers who unselfishly contributed in their own special ways.

The ORACLE serves as an avenue for students to show their skills and talents in a healthy and positive ways. Guided by the vison of SVDPC and the traits of Saint Vincent, our student achievers are highly motivated and will continue to be blessed with amazing gifts.

My sincere congratulations to the ORACLE team and continue to soar high with God’s grace.

Guidance and blessings be with you all!



School Director


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